Saturday, December 5, 2015

Progressivism corrupts the Media

This item is one of many examples of how adherence to progressive policies corrupts media reporting. Quote: "It doesn’t take a complicated analysis to show that the declining birth rate for women in their 20s is connected to the number of abortions in that same group.  Yes, there are certainly other reasons for declining fertility in both women and men, including the presence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the environment; but the link between abortion and declining birth rate, as revealed above, couldn’t be more obvious, and it shows that men and women are still able to make babies. So why isn’t this link between abortion and declining birth rate mentioned, highlighted, and discussed widely in mainstream news reports? The answer to that is also obvious:  Abortion is part of a different agenda. Officially, reporters are supposed to bring up abortion in the context of a woman’s right to choose, or as a long-accepted practice currently opposed by some recalcitrant traditionalists, or as a subject that has provoked violence. And that’s it.  Linking abortion to declining birth rate is “off-topic.” It could make the reporter seem like an opponent of abortion. It could “engender the wrong perception.” It could cause unfavorable publicity for media outlets. Therefore, don’t touch it.  Mainstream journalism is, in many cases, reporting by agenda. The writer or broadcaster knows which agenda he is supposed to represent. Therefore, he fits his facts into one of those compartments. Or, if the facts won’t fit any of the favored compartments, he opts out altogether. He moves on to another story."  In other words, truth in mainstream media reporting is trumped by progressive agendas and their inherent basis in lies. 

This item cuts to the chase of how progressivism distorts reality and the truth of tolerance vs intolerance.  Quote: "Cecile Richards is about the closest we have come in the United States to Joseph Mengele. Under her leadership at Planned Parenthood, doctors have been killing children and harvesting the children’s organs. In some cases, the children are born alive. In some case, whole children are born and then carved up. This has all been caught on tape repeatedly. The media and left would prefer you ignore it. They’d prefer you believe the tapes were altered, edited, or fabricated. But we should not be ashamed of speaking the truth. It is the truth that Planned Parenthood sells baby parts and its employees were caught on tape talking about the value, the sale, and the altering of abortion procedures to preserve organs for sale.  Planned Parenthood butchers millions of children. Three people died at the Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado. Every single one of those millions plus three lives is a tragedy and outrage.  The left is desperate to compare the American pro-life movement to terrorists. They damn well better be glad Christians follow a faith that tells them to honor and pray for their leaders, follow the law, love everyone, and let the state and not the individual act as the sword bearer for God. Given the public light shed on the atrocities committed by Planned Parenthood and both the government and media’s turning a blind eye to it, dismissing it, laughing it off, or lying about it, it really should be surprising that Americans convicted of the need to stop the murder of children have not taken the law into their own hands." 

Media dishonesty/manipulation of the facts is the theme of this presentation by this media star.  Her unique experiences in the business make her words worth listening to.  
This item provides a succinct account of leftist media blatantly lying/misleading the public to protect its progressive/liberal/Democrat friends.  It is truly remarkable how corrupt that have become.

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