Saturday, December 26, 2015

More Things To Think About

This note mostly deals with different aspects of the ongoing debate regarding Muslims and whether we should or not admit them into our country and under what conditions.  The first item deals with hypocritical behavior by those on the left.  History is the guidepost.  The rest deal with various aspects of the matter and several others deal with ongoing items that should interest.  Read the headers to find those that may interest you.  As always, nothing here is made up.  Most get limited if any coverage because the mainstream media chooses either to not report or downplay what they do not want you to know or at least fully understand.  If you don't believe or agree with anything herein please check the facts. 

The left is all in a kerfuffle over Donald Trump's comments regarding shutting down Muslim entry into this country until we can figure out how to properly vet them. He has been called nearly everything in the book by Democrat/leftist politicians and media and even some Republicans because of his proposal.  He has been called "un-American", He "violates our American values", and he is "racist", and more. This piece shows how disingenuous these people are.  It totally rebuffs their dishonest lunacy.  It is history.  It is facts.  And the facts should embarrass them.  But that will not happen because it is highly probable they know this already and do not care because they think you will believe their contemporary lies and ignore their own past trips down this road.  Here are a few quotes to make the point but reading the entire piece is what everyone should do. 
Quote #1:  "Let’s look at the provenance of another supposedly outrageous Trumpian proposal: the idea of establishing a database tracking Muslims in the United States. This is supposed to illustrate The Donald’s unique evil, but in fact mosques in this country have been under heavy surveillance for years. New York City had a Muslim surveillance program, and the FBI has been entrapping Muslims in phony “terrorist” plots as a form of security theater." 
Quote #2: "Both liberal and conservative Trump-haters deplore The Donald’s proposal to discriminate against Muslim immigrants and travelers to the US, yet immigration laws have routinely singled out certain religious groups for favorable treatment, i.e. the Lautenberg Amendment, passed in 1989, which gave religious groups in the Soviet Union, including Jews, some Christians, etc., presumptive refugee status unavailable to nonbelievers or state-sanctioned religious groups that weren’t persecuted. Here the principle of singling out certain religious groups was first established, and if we apply the principle consistently then Trump’s proposal to single out Muslims for unfavorable treatment is entirely in line with this precedent."  Lautenberg was a Democrat, by the way.   
Quote #3: "And of course the biggest single example of singling out a particular ethnic or religious group for persecution in the modern era is Franklin Roosevelt’s executive order sending tens of thousands of Japanese-Americans to internment camps for the duration of World War II. The religious aspect of this singling out should not be overlooked: Americans believed that Japanese Shintoism, in which the Emperor was worshipped as divine, was inherently subversive. Roosevelt’s massive violation of rights was not only upheld by the Supreme Court but was also cheered by leading “liberal” lights of the day, such as the country’s most influential liberal columnist, Walter Lippmann, Theodor Seuss Geisel, a.k.a. “Dr. Seuss,” and then California Attorney General Earl Warren. The American Civil Liberties Union refused to challenge the internment order, an act of cowardice that motivated the California chapter to break with the national organization."  Best I can remember FDR was a Democrat. 
Quote #4: "Liberals like George Stephanopoulos, confronted with this example [FDR's internment camps], are reduced to spluttering incoherence, as in this Stephanopoulos-Trump confrontation on “Good Morning America”:  “Trump: What I’m doing is no different than FDR’s solution for German, Italian, Japanese, you know –“   Stephanopoulos: So you’re for internment camps?”   Trump: This was a president highly respected by all, he did the same thing. If you look at what he was doing, it was far worse.”   Stephanopoulos: I’ve got to press you on that, sir. You’re praising FDR there. I take it you’re praising the setting up of internment camps for Japanese in World War II?   Trump: No, I’m not. Take a look at Presidential Proclamations 2525, 2526, and 2527, having to do with alien German, alien Italian, alien Japanese. They stripped them of their naturalization proceedings. They went through a whole list of things; they couldn’t go five miles from their homes. They weren’t allowed to use radios, flashlights. I mean, you know, take a look at what FDR did many years ago and he’s one of the most highly respected presidents.”   Poor George: he had no effective answer to Trump’s argument, except to raise his eyebrows until they practically took flight. And the reason he had no answer is because Trump’s proposals, far from being “un-American,” as our hysterical liberals aver, are all-too-American, as even a cursory glance at the history of this country confirms. Indeed, one needn’t go all the way back to World War II to underscore this undeniable fact. As Jesse Walker points out in Reason magazine, simply recalling what Hillary Clinton said on the campaign trail last week will do:"  You can read Hillary's comments in the link followed by what Trump says.  Trump gets excoriated, Hillary gets a pass for saying essentially the same thing.  Honesty, decency, ethical?  Not hardly.  
The left's false outrage at Trump's comments is nothing more than a hypocritical and deceitful ruse, an effort to inflict as much damage as they can any way they can to make sure he is not elected. They want lying, dishonest, unethical, cold and calculating Hillary for president and are willing to prostitute any ethics they have left to get her in. Truth, honesty and decency are not in their DNA.  By the way, Stephanopoulos is an unethical Democratic hack who worked for Bill and contributed funds to the Clinton Foundation, a journalistic no, no.  But does the left care?  Of course not, he is one of them. He just masquerades as a journalist. I think he got what he deserved in that exchange with Trump.  So tell me is Trump deserving of their dishonest, unethical, hateful attempt to assassinate his character???  This is a truly despicable display of the left's true colors but it is not unusual behavior since they have used character assassination tactics against their opponents many times over.  They are experts at it.   

Now, watch this video from a Muslim which unintentionally makes Trump's point for him.

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