Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Obama's Fire Sale Foreign Policy

President Obama's final stretch in office -- filled, as he promised, with "interesting stuff" -- has become an extravaganza of "historic" foreign-policy deals, most of them distinguished for making common cause with despotic regimes that are less than friendly toward the United States:
-- The embrace of Cuba.
-- The Iran nuclear deal.
-- The Paris climate agreement.
-- And, enshrined just this past Friday as United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, a grand plan in which, under the United Nations umbrella, the U.S., Russia, Iran and sundry others will all come together to produce peace and democracy  by June, 2017, in Syria.
On Friday. Obama congratulated himself for such feats, telling reporters at his end-of-year press conference: "we have shown what is possible when America leads."
OK, but where is this going? What, precisely, does this brand of leadership make possible?


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