Saturday, October 12, 2024

Yes, Late Term Abortions Are Happening. No, Not Just in Extreme Cases.

Emma Camp, the assistant editor at Reason magazine, writes in the Atlantic: "It's true that third-trimester abortions are rare. But they do happen Colorado, which is home to clinics that perform third-trimester abortions, recorded 137 third-trimester abortions in 2023."That's only one state-eight other states, plus Washington, D.C., have no restrictions on third-trimester abortions," Camp notes, observing that just minutes from her own D.C. office, an abortionist clinic is offering abortions up to almost 32 weeks, while another in nearby Bethesda, Maryland, will kill unborn children up to 35 weeks.

The D.C. clinic I mentioned above confirmed by phone that it performs abortions for any reason.

Data on the reasons women have later abortions are also scarce.

" Camp is concerned that Democrats such as Kamala Harris and running mate Tim Walz tend to downplay or deny the fact that permissive abortion policies permit late terminations or emphasize their relative rarity as a means to dismiss people's concerns, believing that a broad pro-abortion platform is vote-winning.

"The grim reality of later abortion is simply too much for most Americans to countenance-and reasonable policymakers should listen to them," Camp urges, observing that "Most Americans believe that third-trimester abortions should be restricted.

" MINORITY VIEW. Only 22 percent of Americans support late-term abortions, with just eight percent in favor of unrestricted access.

Camp writes, Democrats are reluctant to admit that Roe v. Wade made no demands on states to restrict late abortions.

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