Sunday, October 13, 2024

Courage to Reclaim Our Citizenship Will Help to Secure Our Constitutional Republic

Courage to Reclaim Our Citizenship Will Help to Secure Our Constitutional Republic At the beginning of 2024, I wrote an article for Canada Free Press that boldly predicted either courage or cowardice would shape the future of our Republic.

Emerging from the “Dark Winter,” Courage or Cowardice Will Shape the Future of Our Constitutional Republic | Canada Free Press In that article I admitted that “In the midst of the winter of ‘23-‘24, it may be hard to consider that what ‘We the People’ do or do not do this year may shape the future of America for a long time to come.” I offered clarification with the point that in such an election year, ”both those who love the Republic and those who hate it will be contesting in unrelenting strife, not only at the ballot box, but also in the traditional ways of messaging, as well as untraditional ways of stifling free communication, free expression, and freedom of one’s voice via voting in fair and honest additional elections.” Yet, ten months later, as the presidential election of 2024 is upon us, it is doubtful that any guru or psychic would have predicted the many bizarre events that have led to the existential crisis America now faces This election year has become one of the most divisive political battles in the nation’s history, and it’s likely that more than the usual political animals are now paying attention to the drama surrounding the election due to the two assassination attempts on Donald Trump’s life.

More than any other time in our nation’s history, American citizens must reclaim ownership of their citizenship.

It is past time for true Americans to reclaim ownership of their citizenship.

Voting is no longer secure and trustworthy.

If American citizens have given up their hope in the election process, ownership of the system is transferred to those who hate the Republic, which has become evident over the past few decades.

But, on the other hand, many Americans may still believe that this election year is just “business as usual,” or more appropriately, “politics as usual.” Some segments of the population reflect a residual fear, some a pent up outrage in such a time as this.

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