Monday, October 14, 2024

Many Little Lies

The Democrats' campaign against Donald Trump has been characterized by so many lies that it is impossible to respond to all of them.

Democrat ads claim that Trump has proposed a "National sales tax" of $4,000 per household.

Donald Trump has repudiated "Project 2025." The document contains 900 pages, and Democrats' most specific allegation is that it proposes to abolish the federal Department of Education.

Outright repeal would not increase Trump's power.

Another lie is not directed at Trump, but about inflation.

If "Price-gougers" caused inflation, they would have caused it during the Trump administration.

Every election cycle, all Democrat campaigns for federal office claim that the Republican is going to "Cut Social Security." This year is no exception, as that allegation has been used against Trump and probably every GOP senator and congressman.

Another ad accuses Trump of planning to ban "IVF" in certain states.

If Trump wanted to or even could ban IVF in certain states, why would he not ban it everywhere? The truth is that the power to decide certain matters has been returned to the states.

Small phrases are taken out of context and strung together, with a narrator stating that Trump will seek "Revenge" and "Power." They were undoubtedly hoping that Trump would say something shocking that would effectively end his campaign.

Few people have spoken on camera and on mic more than Donald Trump for the past decade.

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