Sunday, October 13, 2024

Group launches ad blitz threatening lawyers' licenses if they work for Trump

While lawfare frequently has targeted GOP politicians, the tactic is spreading to the legal profession as a group called "The 65 Project" has taken to social media vowing to go after the licenses of attorneys who chose to work for former President Donald Trump.

The 65 Project, which launched earlier this year as a "bipartisan" watchdog with both prominent Democrats and Republicans, announced it had launched digital and print advertisements in swing states such as Wisconsin and Michigan with the stark warning, "Don't lose your law license because of Trump."

“Across the country, lawyers who lent their credibility as officers of the court to Donald Trump to file factually and legally baseless claims to overturn legitimate election results have been investigated by state bar associations, been fined, had their licenses suspended, and even disbarred,” managing director Michael Teter said.

The managing director of the project said that 86 bar complaints have already been filed against attorneys who have filed election lawsuits on behalf of Trump following the 2020 election.

Following the 2020 election, Trump claimed that the election was stolen and there were multiple lawsuits filed in different states such as Georgia and Pennsylvania.

While many of the lawsuits were unsuccessful, the lawfare against attorneys working for Trump or working on other election integrity cases was successful.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani who represented Trump in a Georgia election lawsuit, was disbarred in Washington, D.C. last month.

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