Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Staying Out Of Politics Is Not The Moral High Ground Some Christians Think It Is

Much of the American church has interpreted this to mean that there should be some sort of separation between the church and the state.

Seventy percent of people surveyed agree that "Churches and other houses of worship should stay out of politics." The rise of the "Seeker-friendly" church model has also led an increasing number of churches across America to avoid politically controversial teachings in order to appeal to as many people as possible.

The scope of the political conversation is shifting to include theological questions, but now that these theological questions also have political implications, the church is going silent.

A Church in Retreat The American Church's retreat from politically controversial issues is not just something that affects our outward influence on secular society, it is something that is destroying us from within.

Because of Peter's willingness to speak the truth despite the political implications, more than three thousand people were baptized that day and the Christian church was born.

Surrendering Sacred Ground The realm of politics is expanding to include theological issues, and the church is being manipulated into surrendering sacred ground.

The church is called to stand for truth, not because it is or is not political, but because it is true. 


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