Monday, October 14, 2024

Ignore The New Power Demographic at Your Own Risk: Young Male Voters

Cries of “Trump is Hitler!” and attempted assassinations have dominated coverage of the upcoming presidential elections. This deprives an intriguing issue of attention. An August 24th New York Times article by culture columnist Claire Cain Miller states the issue: “In some ways, this presidential election has become a referendum on gender roles.” Gender gaps between how men and women vote are not new. But “it is now close to, or certainly in the ballpark of, the biggest gender gap we’ve ever seen,” according to Paul Maslin, a pollster at FM3, a public policy-oriented opinion research firm.

Polling ahead of the 2024 race shows signs the divide has widened even further...The most recent New York Times/Siena College poll in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin revealed that 55 percent of registered men support Trump compared to just 39 percent of women - a staggering 16-point difference.

The Brookings Institute reports, "In politics, we are seeing a gender gap amongst today's youngest voters-aged 18 to 29-with young women being significantly more Democratic in their political leanings than young men." Much of the young female vote is being driven by the US Supreme Court's 2022 ruling, which reversed Roe v. Wade and returned jurisdiction over abortion to the states.

The Brookings Institute notes, "Young men increasingly feel as though they have been experiencing discrimination." For decades now, prominent voices of political correctness, which is now called social justice, have blamed men as a gender class for a long slate of social wrongs.

"Estimates across conflicts classify men as between 1.3 and 8.9 times as likely to be killed in war as women." With Partner Abuse, most studies confirm that men and women are victimized at roughly equal rates, even though far fewer resources are available to male victims.

The results of the study "Does the Criminal Justice System Treat Men and Women Differently?" indicate that, "While men and women are treated differently by the criminal justice system, these differences largely favor women." Homelessness.

The International Council for Men and Boys offers the following stats on coverage: "Men: 69 percent unfavorable, 12 percent favorable, and 19 percent neutral or balanced." Whatever you think of the listed grievances, they may have power through young male voters.

A YouTube video inspired by a Wall Street Journal poll asked, "Why are young men turning Republican?" On CNN, left political commentator Michael Smerconish stated that men, especially white, working-class men, are the new swing voters.

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