Friday, October 11, 2024

When Christians Don’t Vote, ‘We Open The Door For Every Evil Ideology To Fill The Vacuum’

As much as people have come to rely on the ebbs and flows of public opinion, longtime strategists know that there's a better predictor of how Democrats will do - and that's the evangelical vote.

According to some truly shocking statistics from George Barna at Arizona Christian University, as many as 41 million Christians plan to sit this election out - more than enough to hand the country's keys to the eager and radical Left.

Incredibly, the research, conducted between August and September, suggests that 41 million self-described born-again Christians are "Unlikely" to vote in the November election.

"First, that Christians could be the deciding factor in a bunch of federal and state races - and are choosing not to be. And second," he continued, "That they are longing for their local church to instruct them on how to think biblically about policy and politics. They don't want to be told how to vote," Munsil added, "But they do want to know why they should vote and how to view political issues from a biblical framework." When Christians were asked to explain their complacency, 68% replied that they aren't interested in politics, followed by 57% who dislike both presidential candidates, and another 52% who believe their vote won't make a difference.

"Think about what has happened here in America in just the last 35 years," Cornerstone Chapel Senior Pastor Gary Hamrick told the Pray Vote Stand Summit on Saturday.

"We open the door for every evil ideology to fill the vacuum. When we decide we're going to check out, we're not going to be involved, we're not going to be politically engaged, all we do is open the door for more of the same evil agenda and ideology. Why is it that so many Christians are sitting out on the sidelines? Why [is there] such political apathy in our world? Because a lot of Christians think that politics is a dirty word that they don't want to be involved in. 'We will leave the world of politics up to the rest of the world,' they would say, and then wonder why every evil has filled the vacuum." If you thought the last 35 years was disturbing, imagine the next 35.

As God's people, we should all want a president "That will save more babies' lives than Kamala Harris," he argued.

As Hibbs acknowledged, "There's no politician, including Trump, that can affect the soul of this nation. You're the only one. The answer is not in the statehouse. And it's not going to be in the White House. It's got to be in your own house. It's got to be in the [house] of God." If your response is, "Well, I don't vote," then "You need to repent," Hibbs insisted.

"Every opportunity God gives us, we are to use it to the advancement of His kingdom. And voting is the easiest. We fire no bullets," he pointed out.

"We don't pull out any swords. There tanks in the street. We just get up and go vote." And get over trying to find the perfect candidate, Hamrick admonished.

"There is no candidate who is the full package because Jesus is not on the ballot. There is no perfect person running," he pointed out, "And God has used both righteous leaders and unrighteous leaders all through the Bible to accomplish his good purposes." But, the Cornerstone leader cautioned, "If we see the rising tide of evil in our land and we decide to do nothing, we are ceding ground to the enemy, and we are being unfaithful to our calling as ambassadors for Christ."

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