Wednesday, October 9, 2024

MI GOP and RNC File BOMBSHELL Lawsuit Against MI SOS Benson and Director of Elections – Challenge State’s UOCAVA Rules That Could Allow Non-MI Citizens to Cast Ballots In Nov Election

A new lawsuit has been filed against MI SOS Jocelyn Benson and Jonathan Brater, Director of the MI Bureau of Elections.

Why have so many lawsuits been filed against the MI SOS?

Today, the MIGOP and the RNC filed a lawsuit in the MI Court of Claims against Michigan SOS Jocelyn Benson and MI Bureau of Elections Director Jonathan Brater to challenge the constitutionality of Michigan SOS Jocelyn Benson's guidance, which allows overseas or UOCAVA voters who have never resided in Michigan to register to vote in Michigan.

Jocelyn Benson has already lost ten lawsuits to date, and the number will likely continue to climb as she continues to thumb her nose at those who attempt to secure our elections in advance of Nov. 5, 2024.

Instead of addressing legitimate election security issues, MI SOS Jocelyn Benson has been on a public relations tour, making "election violence and threats" with little to no evidence of her claims, her top talking point about the upcoming election.

The lawsuit explains how MI SOS Benson's guidance harms Chesterfield Twp City Clerk Cindy Berry, who is being asked to violate her oath of office to uphold the MI Constitution while being bound to the MI SOS instructions.

Don’t Michigan voters deserve the right to feel comfortable knowing that dead voters are still listed as active voters on the voter rolls, outside, third-party groups are not attempting to register dogs, US Postal workers aren’t dropping off stacks of ballots in drop boxes in strict violation of the USPS rules, there are not more registered voters than eligible voters in 53 counties in the state of MI, election officials or workers are not manipulating voter rolls, and that eligible voters are allowed to vote ONCE in our elections?

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