Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Just How Pro-Choice Are You and What Are You Willing to Accept?

Did you agree with then-Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam who said during a radio interview in 2019 that the decision on what to do with an infant who survived abortion should be left to the mother and her physician?

You say you are pro-choice.

But how pro-choice are you?

To be clear, the mother wanted to have this hypothetical late-term baby aborted and the physician was the abortionist who did his or her best to kill the baby.

Are you pro-choice enough to shrug off these calls – and many more like them – that Priests for Life and Abortion Free New Mexico released in 2017?

Ralph Northam who said during a radio interview in 2019 that the decision on what to do with an infant who survived abortion should be left to the mother and her physician?

Are you so pro-choice that when you listen to this undercover phone call from a woman setting up an appointment for an abortion at 26 weeks, you agree she should be free to make this decision, and that this should be legal?

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