Saturday, August 13, 2022

Ivermectin: Why is the Administrative State willing to kill you?

Heretic filmmaker Mikki Willis has compiled a thirteen-minute video which bluntly and explicitly documents the deeply disturbing modern parable of collusion between US Health and Human Service elites, corporate media, medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex, and big tech to block the use of Ivermectin in the US and developed western nations for treating COVID-19

  • Although currently embargoed for general distribution, it is worth noting that various clips featuring my own comments over time are included in the montage.

The burden of avoidable carnage and ongoing disability is profound.

  • Ivermectin works for treating this disease, and if (in an alternative reality) it could have been deployed in the USA and western nations, I am completely convinced that the needless wasting of hundreds of thousands of lives could be avoided.

The power of video and alternative media

  • A well-edited video montage is worth a thousand words, and can cleave through cranium like a Samurai's blade
  • If the infamous three-hour long Rogan/Malone podcast is a slow truth dagger that can penetrate the guarded mind, Mikki and his team fire depleted uranium slugs wrapped in full metal jackets

International Airport Screening Inefficiency

  • International travel through Portuguese and Italian airports was inefficient, but Ireland in close cooperation with the US Border Protection Service has developed international airport screening inefficiency to a level to which Portugal and Italy can only aspire
  • Jill and I scrambled to pack and make our way through the byzantine tangle of security screening required for international travel

Four of the most insightful essays on the COVIDcrisis have been published online at “UnHerd”

  • Opinions on the expanding failure of modern liberalism, corruption at the core of the administrative state, the impact of big tech, the corrosive role of race politics, and the devolution of science into Scientism
  • Many speculate that the Banker/Investor/Globalist Overlords who infest the World Economic Forum, own the central banks of most countries (including the US "Federal Reserve"), and functionally control the major investment funds are actively pursuing a depopulation agenda
  • The theory goes that these elites support various 20th century eugenicist and Malthusian ideals, goals and objectives, and believe in their authority, ability and responsibility to advance centralized globalist solutions via authoritarian means to yield a utilitarian (greatest good for the greatest number) global command economy ideal under their unilateral leadership
  • In considering the essays listed below as applied to the United States, please keep in mind that the US is not a democracy at all, but rather a Republic ("if you can keep it") specifically designed to avoid the many pitfalls of "Democracy" foreseen by those who designed the US Constitution

After a year and a half of this, going along with it starts to become habitual

  • If you defy the mask order and are challenged by somebody doing their job as instructed, chances are you're going to back down and comply
  • You may subtly adjust your view of the reality of Covid to bring it more into line with your actual behavior
  • The alternative is to be confronted every day with fresh examples of your own slavishness

Covid was liberalism's endgame

  • Liberal individualism has an innate tendency towards authoritarianism
  • At the core of each of Crawford's essays is the classical tension between alternative answers to the philosophical question of the nature of man and how to organize society
  • The tension between Hobbes view of man's need for governance by the Leviathan (often referred to as the Administrative State) versus Locke and his view that man is a rational, self-governing creature
  • Crawford's introductory paragraphs provide the framework for the analysis
  • Throughout history, there have been crises that could be resolved only by suspending the normal rule of law and constitutional principles
  • A "state of exception" is declared until the emergency passes
  • During this period, the legislative function is typically relocated from a parliamentary body to the executive, suspending the basic charter of government

In 2020, a fearful public acquiesced to an extraordinary extension of expert jurisdiction over every domain of life, and a corresponding transfer of sovereignty from representative bodies to unelected agencies located in the executive branch of government

  • In a technocratic regime, whoever controls what Science Says controls the state.
  • What Science Says is then subject to political contest, and subject to capture by whoever funds it.

Regarding Science as Authority

  • Big science is fundamentally social in its practice, and with this comes certain entailments.
  • The pandemic has brought into relief a dissonance between our idealized image of science and what it is called to do in our society
  • To serve the role assigned it, science must become something more like religion
  • Science and popular opinion must be made to speak with one voice as far as possible
  • According to the official story, we try to harmonize scientific knowledge and opinion through education
  • We are learning that this is not a stable solution to the perennial problem of authority that every society must solve

How did the description of America as white supremacist get converted into a scientific-sounding claim?

  • Covid laid bare a class war, not between labor and capital, but between two groups that could both be called "elites": on one side, small business owners who opposed lockdowns and, on the other, professionals who enjoyed greater job security, were able to work from home, and typically took a maximalist position on hygiene politics.

"The spectacular success of "public health" in generating fearful acquiescence in the population during the pandemic has created a rush to take every technocratic-progressive project that would have poor chances if pursued democratically and cast it as a response to some existential threat"

  • In the first week of the Biden administration, the Senate majority leader urged the president to declare a "climate emergency" and assume powers that would authorize him to sidestep Congress and rule by executive fiat.

Public opinion matters more in the West than in China

  • Only if people are sufficiently scared will they give up basic liberties for the sake of security - this is the basic formula of Hobbes's Leviathan
  • In the West coercion must come from inside; from a mental state in the individual
  • The state is nominally in the hands of people elected to serve as representatives of the people, so it cannot be an object of fear
  • Something else must be the source of fear, so the state may play the role of saving us
  • But playing this role requires that state power be directed by experts

The pandemic has merely accelerated, and given official warrant to, our long slide toward atomization

  • By the nakedness of our faces we encounter one another as individuals, and in doing so we experience fleeting moments of grace and trust. To hide our faces behind masks is to withdraw this invitation. Solidarity, in turn, is the best bulwark against despotism. 

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