Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Trends in COVID Anxiety

The New York Times published the results (and interpretation) of its latest COVID poll.

  • Trump Derangement Syndrome is to blame for the Mass Formation that has occurred, particularly among what the NYT characterizes as "very liberal adults" (hypnosis, psychosis, or choose your favorite term).
  • Forty-seven percent of very liberal adults said that they believed Covid presented a "great risk" to their own personal health and well-being. That was a significantly larger share than among conservatives, moderates or liberals who stopped short of calling themselves very liberal.

The New York Times released a poll on COVID-19 that found that Americans are less worried about the virus today

  • driving that decline is the receding level of anxiety among the very liberal
  • A growing number of very liberal Americans have decided that it's time to treat Covid as an unpleasant but manageable part of life, much as many other Americans decided months ago.

The NYT goes on to present these unsubstantiated doozies:

  • 28% of Americans are either virtue signaling, demonstrating their tribal affiliation, or have not been exposed by their favorite media channels to the clear truth that the common masks do not protect against a very small respiratory virus which infects via nose, mouth and eyes
  • Conservatives are much less likely to be vaccinated or boosted, which means that many are voluntarily exposing themselves to Covid risk
  • Very liberal Americans remain more worried about the virus than almost any other demographic group, including the elderly 

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