Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Seven Dead Doctors in 14 Days Don't Lie

Seven Canadian doctors dead in a 14-day period (July 13-28, 2019)

  • In Canada, people are obsessed with the COVID-19 vaccine
  • Virtually everyone is vaccinated, but five doctors died in a matter of a few days in Toronto
  • 7 Canadian doctors have died in the past nine months at least

Steve is a lifelong Democrat megadonor to the Democrat Party who has become a Republican because of injuries and deaths linked to the vaccine.

  • Despite donating $20 million to Democrats, he tried calling many Democrat senators and representatives to inform them about all the vaccine deaths and catastrophic injuries. They wouldn't return his calls.

Back to all these dead doctors - mostly young dead doctors

  • There has been a total media blackout on the news regarding the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The vaccine has absolutely nothing to do with it
  • Deaths in the United States are skyrocketing higher than ever seen in history
  • So many of these victims are dropping dead suddenly and unexpectedly
  • They have developed a name for it: SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome)

Bottom Line

  • The government, insurance companies, and doctors know - they're just afraid of losing their license if they go public
  • Big Pharma knows - the deaths and injuries were reported in the vaccine trial data that they tried to keep secret for 75 years
  • It's clear this vaccine is a disaster 

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