Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Compilation of 2,074 Case Reports Documenting Vaccine Injuries

FAQ sheet for case reports

  • Are case reports reliable evidence?
  • They are probably the most reliable type of evidence pound for pound that an individual report of a medical condition following vaccination represents a genuine vaccine injury.
  • Is every case report definitely a condition or injury caused by the vaccine?
  • Many case reports were unable to affirmatively show a clear pathological chain-of-events from vaccination to injury.

Not necessarily, and it's impossible to really know which ones are without seeing the patient for yourself

  • Outcomes are insufficiently reported
  • Doctors do not necessarily follow up for enough time to know that the patient truly recovered without any relapses
  • Additionally, "clinical recovery" often does not account for lingering effects that are not captured by formal diagnostic or laboratory criteria, but can affect quality of life, and can even be permanent.

There is tremendous pressure not to say or do anything that portrays the vaccines in a negative light or can be used to promote "vaccine hesitancy".

  • Thus doctors will feel more comfortable writing about a case with a positive outcome, so those are more likely to get written up than cases with worse outcomes or prognoses.
  • Are case report authors always honest when expressing their judgement whether the vaccine caused the injury? Not really. 

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