Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The most likely reason for the lockdowns in Shanghai has nothing to do with COVID

John-Henry sits down with author and China expert Steven Mosher to discuss the horrific scenes of COVID tyranny in Shanghai, as well as the real reason why China may be locking down one of its major cities yet again.

He shared with me details on the horrific scenes of screams, cries, drones, hazmat-suited police, and COVID quarantine camps.

"The people standing on the balconies and screaming in the middle of the night aren't just engaging in a kind of primal scream, screaming under the darkness, meaningless sounds," Mosher said.

What exactly is the purpose of these lockdowns? Are the Chinese still deathly terrified of COVID while everyone else begins to wise up about it? Or is this a calculated move to keep the population in check and to flex the muscles of the Communist regime?

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