Saturday, April 30, 2022

Here's Everything the Media Won't Tell You About Nina Jankowicz, Biden's New Minister of Truth

Nina Jankowicz will head the board as executive director.

In the aftermath of our reporting, Nina joined a veritable army of "Disinformation" journalists doing damage control, though Nina was a little too dim to properly understand what was going on.

So why is Nina so angry at somebody criticizing the color revolution model? Naturally, because Nina herself is the perfect representative of it: The fake "Democracy" enthusiast who splits time between overthrowing governments abroad and suppressing free expression at home.

Nina Jankowicz isn't a person, but an archetype.

A decade later, Nina Jankowicz combined her passion for Wizard Rock and exporting feminism abroad with her magnum opus, "Nevertheless, I Persisted" pic.

In the Moaning Myrtles' smash hit number, "Prefects Are Hot," Biden's new minister of truth Nina Jankowicz sings an ode to the magic wand in between Harry Potter's legs.

Nina Jankowicz is far, far more likely to substantively curtail your personal freedom than Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin. 

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