Tuesday, April 26, 2022

From the Dissident’s Desk: Dante’s 9th Level and Those Who “Cooperate” With January 6th Inquisition Process

Since Dante's poetry has been adopted in popular culture, let's adopt it to our current American dissident movement with a particular focus on Dante's last level, that of Treachery and of its final stop in Judecca.

It's important to remember that Judas was not sentenced to the bottom of Dante's Inferno for an act of treason against the state.

" The story mentions Staci Burk, an Arizona Republican who started as an election integrity activist, but who ended up making a recording of a conference call of patriotic citizens prior to January 6th and who then turned it over to state agents searching for political prisoners.

Ms. Burk seems to have gotten mixed up with members of some group called the 1st Amendment Praetorian.

If you believe, as she contends, that Ms. Burk truly was afraid for her safety, you might want to excuse her flagrant act of treachery because you'd say she only did it out of a sense of self preservation.

What did anyone else on this recorded phone call have to do with the 1st Amendment Praetorian? For whatever her reason or reasons, for however many literal or metaphorical pieces of silver she might have received, recording a call and turning it over to authorities betrays the dissident effort.

The April 12 article was primarily focused on someone by the name of Jason Sullivan, a former associate of Roger Stone, who seems to have been running the recorded phone call.

Sullivan is quoted by the Times as saying all sorts of things on the call that they make seem quite sinister, but when read by an honest person who satisfactorily finished the 6th grade are all clearly harmless, mistaken bordering on fantasizing to be sure, but harmless.

For Mr. Sullivan, like with Mr. Alexander, only time and their actions will tell where Virgil and Dante will eventually come to find them.

If you join in with others and share confidences, do not commit acts of treachery.

Perhaps in some way that was an act of true contrition? Regardless, he was rewarded with a permanent position in Dante's bottom level of "L'Inferno.


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