Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Joe Biden Could Be History

If given the choice right now, which Democrats do Americans want to see run for president in 2024? The perhaps not-so-surprising answer emerging from the latest I&I/TIPP Poll seems to be: "Anyone but Joe Biden."

Put another way, 81% of Americans don't want Biden to run again.

Only 37 percent of voters want Biden to run in 2024, while 63 percent of voters said they did not want the 80-year-old Biden to run for a second term.

If the 2024 Democrat presidential primary was held today, only 37 would vote for Biden.

Forty-five percent of voters would vote for Trump, while just 43 percent would vote for Biden.

The second era fell apart with the stock market crash and then-President Herbert Hoover's cascade of maladministration to follow, and it ended with Franklin Delano Roosevelt's election in 1932 and the birth of the current political era, defined as it is by the welfare state, regulatory state, military-industrial complex, foreign adventurism, and media-political oligarchy the Biden family has so greasily profited as a part of.

So the real question isn't which Hard Left socialist will jump into the race, ride a media-driven wave to the Democrat nomination over Biden and then get annihilated by Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis to key the birth of America's next political era. 

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