Friday, April 29, 2022

Amish Farmer Targeted By USDA Is Facing Loss Of Farm As Campaign To Destroy US Domestic Food Supply Continues – Seth Hancock

"Empower farmers and get the government off their backs instead of subsidizing them."-Rep. Thomas Massie Last summer, The Liberty Loft brought you the story of Amos Miller, an Amish farmer who operates Miller's Organic Farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Miller has been a target of an ongoing campaign by the United States Department of Agriculture to destroy small family farms as the government agency acts as a protection racket for the corporate powers.

There are no victims, except the corporate farms that don't want to compete against local farmers who are independent.

Still, Miller was ordered to pay $250,000 last summer by a federal judge, was threatened with arrest and prohibited from operating some of his farming as he was told not to slaughter animals at his farm.

A GoFundMe page update stated Miller "Will go through a period of several weeks during which we will be required by Court Order to halt our sales of meat and poultry products," and with "The combination of greatly reduced sales and significantly increased debts, the farm is facing a crisis in financing." And the end of a small, independent farmer may just be what the government wants.

Since 2020 and the rise of the medical tyranny, farmers have had to cull herds and destroy the food we rely on because of the supply chain crisis.

The amount of fires at food facilities worldwide since 2020 is in the hundreds, according to The COVID Blog: "Of course, vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. But there's no way all these food processing plant and barn fires, along with strange new laws incentivizing farmers not to work since 2020, can't be coincidences. It appears most of the food processing plants and farms, especially in the chicken industry, were destroyed in 2020, while the new laws took effect in 2021-22." If anyone believe this is all coincidence, that the government is just incompetent and really wants to help us, I'd like to talk with you. 

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