Friday, April 29, 2022

Schumer Spills the Beans — Dems Want to Raise Taxes and Make Everything Much Worse

We've already seen how Biden has raised costs on us through inflation, which he also falsely said was "Transitory." His Build Back Broke plan proposed $2.5 trillion in new taxes that would give the U.S. the highest or near-highest tax rates in the developed world.

"If you want to get rid of inflation, the only way to do it is to undo a lot of the Trump tax cuts and raise rates."

Democrats sparked inflation by going with Biden's overspending and now, they would make things even worse with more taxes, if they go ahead with this idea.

"The available evidence is clear: Based on tax data from 2017 and 2018, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act reduced taxes for the vast majority of filers, led to substantial improvements in upward economic mobility, and disproportionately benefited working- and middle-class households, many of which experienced tax cuts topping 18 percent to 20 percent," analysis from the Heartland Institute explained.

First they hurt you with inflation, and now they want to hurt you with tax hikes.

Tax increases would make inflation worse by further suppressing the supply side of the economy.

Not only would Schumer take money right out of our pockets, he'd make the inflation we're already suffering even worse because Democrats fail to understand economic policy. 

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