Saturday, April 30, 2022

David Kupelian shows how society's elites are really just in it for the money and power

This combination of factors has put America and the entire world in greater jeopardy right now than at any time since World War II. Do 'woke' leaders actually believe what they say?

Then there's John Kerry, former Democratic presidential candidate and now Joe Biden's "Climate czar." Kerry's first reaction to Russia's murderous invasion of Ukraine was fear that it might divert some of the world's attention away from "Climate change." However, John Kerry does not truly believe in the catastrophic, near-term, man-caused climate change he preaches.

The elites in government and business who wield the real power in American life don't truly believe the radical agendas they force on everyone else.

Question: Do such politicians, who have become hopelessly addicted to wealth, power and privilege, really believe in anything outside of themselves? Do they actually have any principles at all - other than personal advantage?

Arguably, many have become so selfish and corrupt, so hooked on the crack cocaine of power, that they no longer retain the internal capacity to truly care about anything outside of themselves.

Their leaders and policy makers do not truly believe men have periods and can become pregnant, or that Donald Trump is another Hitler, or that Dr. Seuss is a racist.

People caught up with evil, writes Peck, are inherently liars, "Deceiving others as they also build layer upon layer of self-deception." Which is to say, it's not so much a matter of the elites simply pretending to believe all of the left's certifiably deranged ideologies - that fossil fuels must be completely eliminated from the earth and that babies aren't actually human until after they're born and so on. 

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