Sunday, October 10, 2021

Mainstream and Social Media 2


This item suggests there are serious problems within the ranks of the Biden administration. Serious questions regarding ethics and potential lawlessness. The whole matter stinks to the high heavens. This item provides insight. Quote: "Merrick Garland's conflict of interest: Virginia mom exposes data mining deal with Zuckerberg.  A Fairfax, Virginia mother is making quite the case for her allegation that a massive conflict of interest is fueling Biden administration Attorney General Merrick Garland’s targeting of parents who question their local school boards as possible domestic extremists. In an appearance on Fox News on Oct. 6, Asra Nomani wore a T-shirt declaring “I’m a Mom, Not a ‘Domestic Terrorist.’ ” In a Substack article she published one day earlier, Nomani laid out disturbing facts surrounding Garland’s astonishing move:

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has shocked America with a declaration of war on parents, marshaling the powers of the FBI against parents. What isn’t mentioned? Garland’s daughter is married to the co-founder of a Big Tech business — Panorama Education — funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

She elaborated:

In early September, a parent tipped us off at Parents Defending Education, an advocacy group, that Fairfax County Public Schools had quietly signed a $1.8 million contract with Panorama Education, a Boston-based Big Tech contractor, to conduct a multi-year “social and emotional learning screener,” giving them the right to collect “psychometrics” on the school district’s 180,000 students with invasive questions such as whether they feel “sad” or “gender fluid.”

Panorama Education staff gets status as “school officials” so they have the right to private student data under federal law, according to an email from a Fairfax County school district official.

This is federal law that Garland would have to enforce and Big Tech is now circumventing.

Nomani convincingly states that our nation’s schools present a new horizon for Zuckerberg’s data-mining mega-operation:

Why does it matter? Facebook founder Zuckerberg is an investor in Panorama Education, which is signing contracts with school boards across the country that are providing the company a backdoor to children’s most intimate feelings. The company is now a Trojan horse for Big Tech in K-12 schools. A whistleblower yesterday testified in Congress that Zuckerberg has been exploiting new “growth projects.”

K-12 education is clearly one of those “growth projects.”

She notes Garland’s family is poised to profit handsomely off of the arrangement:

Our parent whistleblower sent us the tip she found with a simple Google search: Garland’s daughter is married to Xan Tanner, a co-founder of Panorama Education. Garland’s family is profiting off the business decisions of school boards. Garland’s family will benefit from the silencing of parents.

The indictment is compelling.  There is more so read on.   Merrick Garland's conflict of interest: Virginia mom exposes data mining deal with Zuckerberg | Trib 247 |

Equally corrupt as the mainstream media are the major social media platforms. They do not even try to hide their biases against anyone who does not agree with their left wing socialist ideology, decency and honesty. They arrogantly censor anyone they claim is promoting misinformation which in fact is factual, wholesome and truthful, just not part of their acceptable corrupt left wing narratives. They do not promote or agree with the idea of free and open exchange of ideas. They only want the purveyors of left wing socialistic corrosive lies to be heard. Quote: "In recent years, it’s become clear that social media giants may have misled the public about allowing intellectual diversity on their platforms. We’ve seen the opposite of a free forum for diverse expression: Big Tech selectively applying their standards to censor disfavored conservative and religious speech. First Liberty is fighting on this critical legal battlefront to put a stop to Big Tech censorship of religious voices and content online. Our legal team is representing The Babylon Bee and Not the Bee, two Christian satirical news websites that have faced increasing censorship and “shadow banning” on social media. Our legal team recently filed a friend-of-the-court (amicus) brief at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in support of a Florida law requiring Big Tech companies to treat users fairly. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the bill into law earlier this year, but it is being challenged in federal court. In defending the law, the State cited The Babylon Bee as a prime example of the social media users whom the law protects. Our brief lays out the case that Florida’s law is a basic consumer-protection regulation that simply holds social media platforms accountable to the image of neutrality that they project. In particular, we explain why requiring social media companies to transparently announce and evenly apply their own rules is consistent with federal law and the First Amendment."    First Liberty Files Brief on Behalf of The Babylon Bee, Opposing Unfair Censorship of Religious Voices - News - First Liberty

The self proclaimed nonsense that the mainstream media is not biased in any way in just that. Nonsense. This item takes a look at the facts. Quote: "One indictment just proved Trump right about everything he said about liberal media bias. The corporate-controlled media spent years chasing down the conspiracy theory about Donald Trump colluding with the Russian government during the 2016 campaign. That narrative finally collapsed. And one indictment just proved Trump right about everything he said about liberal media bias. John Durham’s indictment of former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann now means more people were charged with fabricating the Russian collusion hoax than were ever charged for colluding with Russia. Durham alleged that Sussmann lied to the FBI about not working on behalf of a client when Sussmann met with FBI attorney James Baker in 2016 and peddled the story – one that Durham’s indictment shows Sussmann knew to be bogus – that a server in Trump Tower transmitted data back and forth with the Kremlin-affiliated Alfa bank. Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald wrote on his substack about how the collapse of the Alfa bank story revealed the worst practices of the corporate-controlled media, where some members purposefully told lies that were politically advantageous for Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party. 

        "Spurred on by Hillary Clinton herself, the liberal sector of the corporate media used this fake claim to bolster their narrative that Trump and the Russians were secretly in cahoots. And the story of how they spread this disinformation involves not just the potential criminality outlined in this indictment of Hillary’s lawyer but, even more seriously, a rotted and deeply corrupted media,” Greenwald wrote. Greenwald wrote that the worst actors in the corporate-controlled media – Rachel Maddow and CNN’s Natasha Bertrand – were rewarded with massive ratings or financially lucrative promotions despite repeatedly misleading their audience by spreading Russian collusion lies and disinformation. “Journalists who lied most shamelessly and frequently in service of the CIA and DNC’s Russia-gate narrative were the ones most rewarded by the industry,” Greenwald added, linking to an April story he wrote slamming CNN for hiring Natasha Bertrand from Politico after she pushed the Russiagate story for The Atlantic“Bertrand produced dozens of Russia-gate articles for the site that were so unhinged that they made Rachel Maddow look sober, cautious and reliable,” Greenwald wrote. The Russian collusion hoax was not just a black eye for America because it exposed a Deep State that tried to overthrow democracy. These conspiracy theories about the Trump campaign colluding with Russia only festered for so long because a corrupt media gave them oxygen because so-called “journalists” hated Donald Trump so much they were willing to run with a lie if they thought it would bring down Trump."     One indictment just proved Trump right about everything he said about liberal media bias - Pants on Fire News

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