Friday, October 29, 2021

U.S. Navy's Plan to Issue BLANKET DENIALS of Religious Exemption Requests for Covid Jabs

As leaders in our newly "Woke" military focus on transgender issues, climate change, and abandoning Americans in Afghanistan, some have also chosen to sidestep procedures and issue blanket denials of religious exemption requests for the Covid-19 injections that are being forced on all servicemembers.

BREAKING: I've obtained documents exposing the U.S. Navy's plan to issue blanket denial of religious exemptions to the COVID vaccine mandate, in violation of Navy policy.

They are Navy Sailors who have honorably served for 30 years, 18.5 years, etc.2/ Here are packages submitted by Navy Sailors at IWTC Corry Station in Pensacola, FL, requesting religious exemption to the COVID vaxx mandate.

U.S. Navy policy requires EACH religious exemption package to be evaluated "On a case-by-case basis" and requires that commanders pursue the "Least restrictive means" in an effort to honor religious convictions.

4/ U.S. Navy policy requires EACH religious exemption package to be evaluated "On a case-by-case basis" and requires that commanders pursue the "Least restrictive means" in an effort to honor religious convictions.

Navy policy dictates that religious exemption requests for vaccines be screened by a Chaplain, reviewed by the CO & fwd'd to the first O-6 in the chain of command for endorsement, then sent from O-6 to Chief of Naval Personnel, VADM John Nowell.

If they are indeed dictating policy to issue blanket denials of religious exemptions, they are violating Navy policy in gross breach of ethics. 

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