Sunday, October 10, 2021

Mainstream and Social Media 1


As if everyone does not know that our mainstream media is as unethical as they can be. Far too many of them are not reporters. They are, instead, far left wing propaganda agents. Only when forced into a corner do they even try to do their real jobs. Report factual news. Quote: "The hypocrisy is "so rich" that the mainstream media catching up to the stories about Hunter Biden's laptop when before now, social media sites blocked the New York Post from sharing its articles and politicians were "shadowbanned," Rep. Guy Reschenthaler said Thursday on Newsmax"It turns out the whole time we were the ones that were correct," the Pennsylvania Republican said on Newsmax's "John Bachman Now." "When elected officials like myself tried to share the accurate news, we were shadowbanned, and now it seems that the mainstream media is now just catching up to this, but the damage has already been done." He pointed out that polling shows that had Democrats known about the Hunter Biden scandal, they would have voted for then-President Donald Trump's reelection, and that would have reversed its course. In the poll, done by McLaughlin & Associates poll just after the election, 36% of Biden voters were not aware of the scandal and 13% of those said they would not have voted for Biden had they known. "Such a shift away from Biden would have meant President Trump would have won the election with 289 electoral votes," said the polling outfit, which had done work for Trump's campaigns in 2016 and 2020.  "This cover-up did make a difference," said Reschenthaler. "Polling shows that it did sway the election and now we have a situation where Joe Biden is now president." Further, he said that "to his knowledge," Hunter Biden "still manages a billion-dollar hedge fund from China. He's still selling what he describes as art." But while Trump was in office, his family got much more criticism, said Reschenthaler.  "Ivanka Trump was getting flak because she still had a fashion business," said Reschenthaler. "People were saying that the Trump hotels needed to shut down because people are going in the hotels and uh, you know, theoretically patronizing the president." In the case of Hunter Biden, however,  "this is an absolute blatant violation ... now we have a situation where people can, in essence, pay Hunter as a lobbyist or somebody purveying influence," said Reschenthaler. "We cannot track who is paying for the art is ... it's a way around the lobbying disclosure [rules]."     Rep. Reschenthaler to Newsmax: Hypocrisy 'So Rich' on Hunter Biden's Stories |

If anyone, and I do mean anyone, who thinks the Associated Press is all in for America, needs to think again. They are full partners with Joe Biden and his Democrat party's full fledged effort to destroy our country. This item explains.  Quote: "AP Defends School Boards Labeling Parents 'Domestic Terrorists'. After Attorney General Merrick Garland ordered the FBI to combat “threats of violence” against school administrators, the Associated Press falsely fact-checked a claim that the national school board group that prompted the policy wanted parents labeled “domestic terrorists.” Last week, the National School Boards Association (NSBA), a non-profit organization that represents school boards around the country, wrote the Biden administration a letter claiming that public school officials are “facing physical threats because of propaganda purporting the false inclusion of critical race theory within classroom instruction and curricula.” Without citing specific cases of serious violence or threats that would warrant the FBI’s intervention for crimes squarely in the realm of local police departments, the NSBA said that “these acts of malice, violence, and threats” should be classified as domestic terrorism:

As these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes. 

As such, NSBA requests a joint expedited review by the U.S. Departments of Justice, Education, and Homeland Security, along with the appropriate training, coordination, investigations, and enforcement mechanisms from the FBI, including any technical assistance necessary from, and state and local coordination with, its National Security Branch and Counterterrorism Division, as well as any other federal agency with relevant jurisdictional authority and oversight.

According to the Associated Press, conservatives on social media were lying when they claimed the NSBA specifically asked “the Biden administration to label parents who protest school policies domestic terrorists.” “The organization is not asking Biden to label parents who protest at school board meetings as terrorists, NSBA CEO Chip Slaven told the AP that conservatives’ characterizations of the group’s position were “absolutely false.”“ This is absolutely false. NSBA and school board members don’t want to stop parents from expressing their First Amendment rights or label them as terrorists,” said Slaven. “Our letter to President Biden was about stopping dangerous and threatening acts that school board members and other education leaders are receiving.” “We want to stop the death threats, threats to family members, and other harassment and acts of intimidation,” he added.   AP Defends School Boards Labeling Parents 'Domestic Terrorists' ( 

Here is another assessment:   ‘Straight Up Dangerous’: Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Press Secretary Refers To The AP As ‘Activist Progressives’ | Congressional Post

The New York Times and its leadership have forsaken all responsibility, integrity and ethics. They are an anti-American newspaper filled with devoted left wing Marxist propaganda agents masking as news reporters and opinion experts. Quote: "New York Times Pushes Six Redesigns Of American Flag. One "represents America surrendering to its fall from power and loss of the ideals it once stood for." The New York Times, in its incessant attempts to remake American history and compartmentalize the American people, offered six new designs for the American flag, “The American flag is a potent piece of national iconography, but its design shifted frequently until the early 1900s. What if it were redesigned today? We asked artists and graphic designers to try,” the Times opined last week. “Some are functional designs, others artistic renderings; some represent America as it could be, others how the artist sees the country now.” Read on to learn what they represented as future flags."      New York Times Pushes Six Redesigns Of American Flag | The Daily Wire    

        These people have been sipping Marxist doctrine for a very long time. Their paper is now little more a political left wing propaganda rag.

This confirms just how left wing biased and irresponsible the mainstream media "geniuses" are. They said Biden would restore competence in the White House. But it turns out that they are just as bad as Biden as leaders and thinkers. Just as is Biden they are also blinded to truth by their left wing political and un-American biases.  Quote: "Joe Biden’s week went from bad to worse after he got this devastating news. The corporate-controlled media said Joe Biden would be a return to competency in the White House. Now the blunders are piling up in record numbers. And his week went from bad to worse after he got this devastating news. The withdrawal from Afghanistan has been one of the biggest foreign policy debacles in American history. The Biden regime made one wrong move after another as they fled the country. With the withdrawal over, the book was supposed to be closed on the Afghanistan debacle. The withdrawal from Afghanistan has been one of the biggest foreign policy debacles in American history. The Biden regime made one wrong move after another as they fled the country. With the withdrawal over, the book was supposed to be closed on the Afghanistan debacle. But now the failed withdrawal is turning into a lingering problem for the regime with the evacuation of Afghan refugees. Instead of an orderly plan with prioritized and vetted Afghans evacuated from the country, the regime just randomly shoved anyone onto flights to make it look like the evacuation was a success. They tried, unsuccessfully, to spin it as the modern day Berlin Airlift. It turns out the situation is another colossal Biden blunder after new reports emerged on the refugees. Housed on military bases while awaiting resettlement, it’s been reported that at least 700 Afghan refugees have just walked off bases and disappeared into the country. Many of these refugees haven’t been vetted and earlier reports indicated that fake visas were being used to get refugee status."    Joe Biden’s week went from bad to worse after he got this devastating news - Conservative Underground News   

     It should be obvious to anyone who can think for themselves that both Joe Biden and his entire administration as well as our mainstream media are disasters for us and our country.

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