Saturday, October 30, 2021

Surprising Number of People Would Leave Their Jobs Over COVID Jab in a New Study

America's backbone may be stiffening on getting the COVID jab to keep your job.

Probably the one that DEMANDED news coverage was the Southwest pilots saying "No mas" which effectively shut down air travel for a whole bunch of people.

Southwest's senior vice president of operations and hospitality, Steve Goldberg, and Julie Weber, vice president and chief people officer, wrote to staff on Friday that if employees' requests for an exemption haven't been approved by Dec. 8, they could continue to work while following mask and distancing guidelines until the request has been reviewed.

When unvaccinated workers are asked what they would do if their employer required them to either get the COVID-19 vaccine or undergo weekly COVID-19 testing, 11% say they would be most likely to get the vaccine, nearly half would opt for weekly testing, and over a third say they would be likely to leave their job.

The number of people who would opt for weekly testing jumps to 46% and those giving the bird on the way out the door is a healthy 37% which is quite respectable.

After what we have seen over the past 15 months, I have been disheartened with what I thought was the breaking of the American people and their spirit to just roll over to do what they are told.

Maybe there are still enough Americans who are willing to stand up and tell the government of the people by the people and for the people that WE THE PEOPLE have had enough of this nonsense. 

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