Saturday, October 30, 2021

Gateway Pundit Attorney Destroys Fake "Fact-Checker" Daniel Funke on His Latest Embarrassing Attempt to Rescue Fauci

In August The Gateway Pundit reporter Cassandra Fairbanks reported exclusively on Dr. Fauci's macabre experiments with beagles in Tunisia.

Documents uncovered by the organization found that the National Institutes of Health division that is led by Dr. Fauci shipped part of a $375,800 grant to the lab in Tunisia to infest beagles with parasites.

At the beginning of August, 2021, a government waste watchdog outfit - White Coat Waste Project - had reported about the NIAID's $424,455 grant to the University of Georgia for experiments with beagles.

Rebuttal: Satoskar filled-out a grant app and the abstract of that grant clearly envisions dog experiments.

Knowledge of how the grant would be used is a related but separate issue from whether or not NIH actually funded the study: the PLoS editor who issued that amendment said, definitively, that neither Wellcome Trust nor NIH provided ANY funding.

Why the NIH grant reporter lists Satoskar as the recipient for the exact grant mentioned in the PLoS article, and why the grant and article contain the exact same subject matter;.

How the grant was so radically mislabeled on the NIH grant reporter site;. 

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