Sunday, October 10, 2021

Mainstream and Social Media 3

The mainstream media cannot control their compulsion to lie when it supports their left wing political narratives all of which are completely baseless. Quote: "The corporate-controlled media told a big lie about the border crisis that was summed up in this photo. Joe Biden’s border crisis is a threat to American sovereignty. Biden’s allies in the corporate-controlled media are desperate to cover up for him. Joe Biden’s border crisis is a threat to American sovereignty.   Biden’s allies in the corporate-controlled media are desperate to cover up for him. And now the corporate-controlled media told a big lie about the border crisis that was summed up in this photo. There are 15,000 Haitian illegal aliens massed under a bridge in Texas in a third world refugee style camp. Thousands more are preparing to march across the border. On Monday, photos emerged of Border Patrol agents on horseback trying to chase down illegal aliens rushing the border in an attempt to invade the country. Since political reporters never venture outside of Washington, D.C. or New York City, they have no concept of riding a horse and falsely claimed that border patrol agents beat illegal aliens with whips in scenes they claimed were out of the 1800s with slaves being whipped.  PBS’ left-wing activist Yamiche Alcindor was one of the many journalists sharing these photos and lying about the border patrol agents swinging whips at illegal aliens. Joe Biden’s border crisis is a threat to American sovereignty. Biden’s allies in the corporate-controlled media are desperate to cover up for him."    The corporate-controlled media told a big lie about the border crisis that was summed up in this photo - Pants on Fire News  

The left wing media cannot be trusted to ever tell the truth because their credibility has been completely destroyed by their lies, distortions. misdirection and what they do not cover. Quote: "This recent event made the Left look like fools after the Fake News Media warned there would be violence. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat Party – along with a few turncoat Republicans – continue to try and turn the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol into something it wasn’t.

The Democrats want nothing more than for people to believe that “far-right” groups and Donald Trump supporters are domestic terrorists. But this recent event made the Left look like fools after the Fake News Media warned there would be violence. For weeks, there were rumblings about a protest called the “Justice for J6” rally that would be happening on September 18 in Washington, D.C. The protest was reportedly to support those arrested for participating in the January 6 event at the Capitol. Capitol Police braced for potential violence, and security fencing once again went up around the U.S. Capitol building. Donald Trump viewed the rally as a set-up and made no public comment about it. Longtime Trump ally, Roger Stone, cautioned Trump supporters to stay away from the event. “Patriots: stay away from Washington,” Stone stated in an interview. As Trump and many on the Right cautioned supporters, the corporate-controlled media hyped up the event, warning of violence and widespread mayhem. Outlets like CNN, MSNBC, The Guardian, and many others declared there would be riots started by “extremist groups” and “far-right” activists. Unfortunately for the Left, the event shaped up to be a far cry from the disaster they predicted."     This recent event made the Left look like fools after the Fake News Media warned there would be violence - Conservative Underground News      

       The mainstream media hates Trump so much that they will say and do anything to make him look bad. But they are so stupid that they do not seem to realize how bad they look when they dispense provably false left wing propaganda. These are the very same people who played a large role in giving us the disaster known as Joe Biden...way too many of them are disgustingly dishonest and anti-American left wing partisans...

Everyone with two brain cells knows the YouTube is a left wing biased operation. It's self-righteous censorship activities are beyond the pale. This is an example. Quote: "YouTube tried to take on Ron Paul. But they severely underestimated the former Congressman’s base. Big Tech continues to wield its unconstitutional censorship arm at anyone that violates the arbitrary “terms and agreements” each platform has put in place. Well one of the Big Tech giants tried to take on the wrong man and they learned the hard way that some people will not be swayed by leftist propaganda.  YouTube tried to take on Ron Paul. But they severely underestimated the former Congressman’s base. Censorship is running rampant in America and most of it is happening on the Internet. Big Tech controls much of the Internet’s infrastructure and has become the clearinghouse of sorts for what people are allowed to share on the world wide web. Numerous reports have been leaked recently about the various tech giants taking orders not just from the Democrat Party, but from communist countries such as Russia and China. No longer can people express their views on social media without the fear of being censored.

       People are fired up over the constant censorship of information and they’re starting to fight back. Oftentimes, however, the voices fighting back just aren’t powerful enough. Until now . . . YouTube messed with the wrong people. In a recent attempt to silence former Texas Congressman Ron Paul – who is no stranger to being censored – YouTube removed the Ron Paul Institute Channel from the platform. Now warning was given, no strikes, no evidence. Nothing. The channel was just removed. In response to the removal, a Tweet by Ron Paul went viral announcing YouTube had terminated the account with no explanation. Not surprisingly backlash ensued. One thing that became clear during both Paul’s 2008 and 2012 presidential bids was that his fiercely loyal supporters would do anything to defend the Congressman and that hasn’t changed. Despite having retired from Congress, Paul still draws a crowd wherever he goes."     YouTube tried to take on Ron Paul. But they severely underestimated the former Congressman’s base - Unmuzzled News

Anyone who is capable of thinking independent thoughts should wonder exactly what was the Facebook outage all about. Something smells awfully fishy... This item explores that thought. Quote: "The Real Reasons for the Facebook Outage This Week. Facebook suffered a massive outage on Monday. At the same time a high profile “whistleblower” has come forward to dish the FB dirt. These two things have combined to create a perfect storm of narrative portraying Mark Zuckerberg’s company as a monster in desperate need of slaying by some deft government intervention. But to what extent is that story contrived? Is Facebook willingly going along with it? And what does it mean for the rest of the internet? WHAT HAPPENED? For several hours on Monday afternoon Facebook – and its subsidiaries Instagram and Whatsapp – were completely offline. Rumours circulated that large portions of the social media giant had been totally deleted. Others suggested it was a cyber attack. Facebook itself insists there was no attack, and that it was purely an engineering error, but of course no tech company would ever admit to being vulnerable to a hack. There’s always the possibility the whole event was staged of course. Either way, the timing is very suspicious. WHY DO YOU SAY THAT? For weeks an anonymous “whistleblower” has been “leaking” documents to the Wall Street Journal allegedly showing Facebook is utilising highly unethical business practices. The leaker of the so-called “Facebook Files” finally revealed her true identity as Frances Haugen, a data scientist, in an interview with 60 Minutes this past SundayThe massive Facebook outage then happened on Monday, with Ms Haugen’s scheduled testimony in front of Congress happening the following morning on Tuesday. If it is all a coincidence, then Facebook has had a very unfortunate week."  If this has peeked your interest read the rest of the piece. It gets more interesting.    The real story behind Facebook’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week – OffGuardian (

George Burns


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