Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Big Tech 'Defend' Bill Gates by Admitting He Wants Vaccines to Sterilize the Serfs

If anyone wants to say anything bad about this "Philanthropist," they'll have to get past mainstream media and Big Tech first.

In the latest comical episode of "How to Defend the Globalist Billionaire," the arbiters of truth took exception to claims that Gates wants to depopulate the world by injecting all of us who are not among his elites with drugs that will kill us.

That's not true, according to Big Tech and MSM. He didn't say in a 2010 TED Talk that he wanted us to die.

Bill Gates isn't trying to kill everyone, according to the "Fact-checkers." He just wants to keep anyone other than his fellow globalist elites from having children.

Today, most sites are stuck on the Big Tech gravy train.

They are beholden to Big Tech, and Big Tech doesn't allow certain topics to be discussed or they'll cut you off.

Today, only a handful of other major conservative news outlets have broken away from the Big Tech teat. 

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