Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Why The Military Industrial Complex Continues To Bilk The American Public

Not so in the halls of power where the uniformed bureaucrats and the leaders of the most powerful defense contractors on the planet decide the fate of young men and women who aspire to serve their nation and protect their fellow citizens.

Afghanistan was a bonanza for American defense contractors.

From the perspective of the boards of directors of the nation's biggest defense contractors, which are full of retired senior military officers, the Afghanistan War was a massive success.

The U.S. military has spent over $14 trillion since 9/11. Half of that has gone to defense contractors.

These bases are in addition to locations at which the U.S. military shares space with host nation military forces.

American military officials are already talking to Central Asian countries and even Vladimir Putin about new American bases in Central Asia to help monitor and impact the Taliban from afar.

Our national security interests do not include making American defense contractors rich or providing comfortable corporate jobs as landing pads for our generals and senior bureaucrats. 

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