Wednesday, October 6, 2021

How and Why Covid Deaths Are Being Amplified While Vaccine Deaths Are Being Suppressed

Dr. Joseph Mercola explains below the "How" in suppressing deaths from Covid injections while amplifying the deaths from the disease itself.

All of my readers know the obvious, that they're pumping up Covid deaths and dismissing vaccine deaths to drive their universal vaccination agenda.

In Alameda County, California, when they removed deaths that weren't directly caused by COVID-19 from their official count, the number of "COVID" deaths dropped by 25%. May 1, 2021, the CDC stopped monitoring most COVID-19 infections among vaccinated people.

Health officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci claim that there are likely far more COVID-19 deaths than have been reported, meaning that such deaths are being undercounted.

Dying 'of' COVID or 'With' COVID. The distinction comes down to some tricky working: deaths "Among" COVID-19 cases and deaths "Due to" COVID-19, or dying "Of" COVID or "With" COVID. Someone who died with COVID-19 may be counted as a death among COVID-19 cases, even if the virus had nothing to do with their death.

"The number of deaths due to COVID-19 are not necessarily included in the number of deaths among people with COVID-19. After review, at either the state or national level, some deaths may not be counted as COVID-19 deaths. This is rare, and the expectation is that in the end the numbers will closely align."

In Alameda County, California, when they removed deaths that's weren't directly caused by COVID-19 from their official count, the number of "COVID" deaths dropped by 25%.17. 

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