Friday, September 17, 2021

Mark Milley Exposes the Myth of American 'Democracy'

To recap, a leak of a forthcoming book from Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, "Peril," claims that two days after the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot, Milley was so bothered by former President Donald Trump's demeanor and conduct that he deemed it necessary to take unilateral action outside the formal chain of command.

Specifically, Milley allegedly convened a rogue meeting with senior military officials in charge of the National Military Command Center, the Pentagon's de facto war room, to tell them not to accept military orders from anyone unless he was personally involved.

Although the qualifier "Allegedly" is perhaps strictly necessary to describe Milley's actions, it is worth noting that Milley's office responded to the leak by issuing a nonapology "Apology." Milley's "Calls with the Chinese and others in October and January were in keeping with duties and responsibilities conveying reassurance in order to maintain strategic stability," the response statement from spokesperson Col.

Since the statement, President Joe Biden has resisted manifold calls for Milley's resignation, including one from Milley's former boss, former acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, and even one from the notorious anti-Trump former National Security Council staffer Alexander Vindman.

Milley is, of course, the same man who has openly defended the merits of studying critical race theory in the military and, in general, seems far more preoccupied with preening for holier-than-thou wokesters than he does with ensuring the U.S. Armed Forces are adequately prepared to hunt down and kill America's enemies in the most efficient way possible.

In short, as National Review's Dan McLaughlin tweeted: "To Mark Milley, the General Lee who has been dead for 151 years is a dire threat, but the General Li who commands the world's largest army on behalf of a murderous tyranny is a chum." That is damning almost beyond words.

Milley's direct attack on civilian control of the military is but the latest indication that our wokeist ruling class will take no prisoners in its systemic assault upon the very pillars of the American constitutional order. 

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