Friday, September 17, 2021

Taxpayers Spend More To Prop Up Government Than They Do On Themselves

One would think that in a nation founded on liberty that we'd be free to spend more on personal consumption than the government takes from us.

Americans are paying more in taxes than they spend on themselves.

The Biden administration is expecting to extract trillions more from us to pay for government programs it hopes will cement a permanent Democratic majority in Washington.

A few on the left who are more honest about the plans and the worldview that informs those schemes will make the claim that every penny earned belongs to government, and we're allowed to keep some of it for ourselves because government is a kind and charitable institution.

Yes, we understand that the federal government needs financial resources to meet its constitutional obligations.

Government functions have far exceeded the limits that define government in a truly free society, and the need for more money to fund them is far outstripping any legitimate need.

If the trend continues, we'll in the not too distant future be paying more to government than food, clothing, health care, entertainment and housing. 

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