Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Sanders Defies Pelosi, Urges House to Block 'Bipartisan' Infrastructure Bill

Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday urged House Democrats to block the $1.2 trillion "Bipartisan" infrastructure bill, defying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's agenda of passing the legislation Thursday.

"If the bipartisan infrastructure bill is passed on its own on Thursday, this will be in violation of an agreement that was reached within the Democratic Caucus in Congress," according to the socialist's Twitter account.

It will end all leverage that we have to pass a major reconciliation bill.

"I strongly urge my House colleagues to vote against the bipartisan infrastructure bill until Congress passes a strong reconciliation bill," the Sanders pleaded.

Pelosi reportedly told House members Monday that the reconciliation package in the senate is not ready and there is not time to waste.

Pelosi's reported attempt to whip the vote in favor of passing the "Bipartisan" bill has not convinced far-left House members.

"I would be deeply disappointed if she didn't put the infrastructure bill on the floor as the resolution requires her to," added Murphy.


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