Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Affidavit of Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD, MPH: A Brave Indictment of COVID Vaccines

Dr. Long focused on a now widely recognized health impact of current COVID vaccines, saying "Vaccination with mRNA increases the risk of myocarditis." "Research shows that most individuals with myocarditis do not have any symptoms. Complications of myocarditis include dilated cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death and carries a mortality rate of 20% at one year and 50% at 5 years. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 'despite optimal medical management, overall mortality has not changed in the last 30 years.'".

Noted is that "Natural immunity provides a 13-fold better protection against Covid 19 infections than any currently available Covid 19 Vaccine." The Colonel points out the Department of Defense's disinterest in recognizing "a military member's prior [natural] immunity to Covid 19; even where it may be demonstrated with a recent antibody test."

Here is a detailed telling by the Colonel of recent empirical evidence she is personally informed about regarding the real health impacts of COVID vaccines on military people.

"None of the ordered Emergency Use Covid 19 vaccines can or will provide better immunity than an infection-recovered person. All [current] vaccines in the age group and fitness level of my patients are more risky, harmful and dangerous than having no vaccine at all, whether a person is Covid recovered or facing a Covid 19 infection."

"Direct evidence exists and suggests that all persons who have received a Covid 19 vaccine are damaged in their cardiovascular system in an irreparable and irrevocable manner. Due to the Spike protein production that is engineered into the user's genome, each such recipient of the Covid 19 vaccines already have micro clots in their cardiovascular system that present a danger to their health and safety. That such micro clots over time will become bigger clots by the very nature of the shape and composition of the Spike proteins being produced and said proteins are found throughout the user's body, including the brain."

The Colonel, like some other brave and honest medical professionals, also stressed this: "We must evaluate and immediately implement alternatives to mRNA vaccines to include Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine."

To sum up, we have a highly educated and credentialed senior military officer stepping up to tell those above her and the public about the major risks of COVID vaccines for military personnel. 

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