Thursday, September 30, 2021

Every Republican Is 'Literally Hitler,' So Stop Caring What Libs Say

When will Republicans stop trying to kick the Lucy's football that is liberal approval? It's never going to happen - no matter how soft, pliable, milquetoast, and Mitty you are, you're always going to be trying to re-enslave black Americans, toss old people off cliffs, or destroy our democracy.

Stop caring what liberals and their media toadies say.

That's not to say that every Republican must be a Ted Cruz; you have to put someone up that can win.

Maine wants a Susan Collins - you take the most conservative Republican you can get, and for Mooseland, that's her.

Of course, Terry McAuliffe has plenty of non-Jolsonian skeletons in his closet, and he's tied closely to the desiccated old pervert across the Potomac who is proceeding to screw up every single thing he touches.

He's a solid Republican candidate, and respectable in every way.

You cannot simply simp liberalism enough to escape the hail of lies, so why degrade yourself by trying? Every living Republican is going to be Stalin + Mussolini x Genghis Khan. 

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