Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Biden Security Agencies Oppose Blacklisting Chinese Govt Tech Firm.

America's security agencies under President Joe Biden are opposing the blacklisting of a spin-off firm of the Chinese Communist Party-linked telecommunications firm Huawei.

'Honor' - which was sold by Huawei last November to skirt Trump-era sanctions - still retains links to the Chinese Communist Party, as the Shenzhen city government was one of several involved in the consortium that purchased the firm.

Despite these ties, "Key security agencies are divided over whether to place Huawei's former smartphone company on an export blacklist," reports The Washington Post.

The rift is between the Pentagon and Department of Energy, which support blacklisting the company, and the Commerce and State Department, which oppose it.

The Biden regime's approach to Huawei is at odds with the Trump administration, which labeled the firm a "National security threat" and Chinese military collaborator.

Trump's State Department also noted Huawei is used as an "Instrument not only for making money but also for pursuing the Party-State's agenda and fulfilling its strategic objectives [] deeply enmeshed in Beijing's system of oppression at home and its increasingly assertive strategic ambitions globally."

Beyond aiding Beijing's quest for global tech supremacy, Huawei devices routinely provide the regime with backdoor access to user data. 

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