Tuesday, June 1, 2021

When You Can't Find Racism Invent It: Fake Hate Crimes Are the New Black

MAGA bigots creep in from the country and the suburbs to hang nooses on college campuses, draw Nazi symbols in Harlem, and spray-paint black babies white.

Hundreds of students walked out of White Bear Lake High School in early April after racist social media posts and threats were directed at black students.

On May 17, four-year-old white child Cash Gerson was kidnapped and stabbed to death by an 18-year-old black man.

Not only does the left fake hate crimes, they sometimes protect the guilty.

The media seemed to shut down the day Chanequa Walker-Barnes, an associate theology professor at Mercer University in Macon Georgia, urged "Dear God" to help her find the "Hate" she thinks "Nice White people" who aren't her "Allies" deserve.

In her titillating poem, "Prayer of a Weary Black Woman," Walker-Barnes implores God to help her "Hate white people." The poem appears in a book called A Rhythm of Prayer and can be found in Target's online inventory.

Don't even get me started on how the media handles Asian hate crimes.


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