Monday, June 28, 2021

County Government in Deep Red America Giving in to Marxist Indoctrination

We now have a leaked Franklin County Pennsylvania government email that serves as proof of this duplicity taking place in a deep red county.

Franklin County is located in deep red South Central Pennsylvania, with a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Franklin County is Trump country, giving the former President over 70% of the vote in the last two Presidential elections.

One might ask how a radical group like BLM becomes dominant in a place like Franklin County.

Republican voters in deep red counties such as Franklin get complacent and usually don't even bother to follow local politics.

Other than conservative Franklin County Republican Party Chairman and Chambersburg Boro Councilman Allen Coffman, no one has stepped up to the plate.

While conservative voters in places like Franklin County sleep on, their elected officials are secretly holding hands with the very extremists who falsely paint their community as hateful and racist. 

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