Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Democrats Are Using The FEC As A Partisan Weapon

The FEC's Democrats are regularly refusing to dismiss complaints and notify respondents that they are in the clear when the commission has voted not to prosecute.

Since the FEC can't explain or defend its decision, the court issues a default judgment against the commission.

The Democratic commissioners are effectively committing a fraud on the courts, making it appear that the FEC has not acted when it has.

As a former FEC commissioner, I know how frustrating it sometimes is to be on the losing end of a vote.

Americans appearing before the FEC deserve to be treated fairly - which at least ought to mean being notified when they are no longer under investigation - and federal judges deserve honest representation about the commission's decisions.

Democrats in Congress are trying to pass H.R. 1/S. 1, which would reconstitute the FEC as five-member commission, with a majority appointed by President Biden.

If this is how Democrats act on a bipartisan commission, imagine the abuses of power that would come from a partisan FEC majority. 

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