Monday, June 28, 2021

If Joe Goes, What Next?

Everywhere other than in Big Media newsrooms, Americans speak openly of President Joe Biden's cognitive decline and wonder whether he can last out his four-year term.

Should Biden leave office, willingly or otherwise, Kamala Harris will become president.

Rushing to Biden's defense, the Washington Post recruited a professor of public health - his Ph.D. is in sociology - to assure Post readers, "With Biden, not only are there not warning signs, the signs that you see show he's in exceptional health." In truth, the warning signs for Hurricane Katrina were less obvious.

In the movie version, reporters with access to the White House would be showing their audiences evidence of Biden's mental meltdowns and probing their sources to find out what happens next.

Lacking access to the White House, I take my cues from presidential history and the extensive research I have done on Barack Obama, including his presumed third term through proxy Joe Biden.

During the 2020 campaign, having finessed Bernie Sanders out of the race, the Democrats' leaders knew they had to ride the seemingly moderate Biden as far as he could take them.

According to Dovere, the selection for Biden's VP came down to six women: Harris; Massachusetts's Sen. Elizabeth Warren; Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer; Biden's domestic policy council director, Susan Rice; California's Rep. Karen Bass; and Georgia's self-appointed governor in exile, Stacey Abrams. 

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