Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Tables Turned: Biden Now Distrusts U.S. Intelligence

Joe Biden and his team have countered Trump's skepticism by repeatedly castigating the president for dismissing intelligence community warnings as politically motivated.

William Evanina, who heads the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, is quoted as saying that U.S. intelligence agencies have determined that China wants Trump to lose because Beijing is unsettled about where it stands with him and considers him "Unpredictable." Meanwhile, Russia is working to promote Trump and undermine Biden in the final two months of the election, Evanina said.

The intelligence community conclusion that China prefers Biden is based on concerns over the Trump administration's criticism of Beijing's handling of COVID-19 and its efforts to derail China's aggression in the South China Sea, according to an early August statement from Evanina.

"Beijing Biden is so weak on China that the intelligence community recently assessed that the Chinese Communist Party favors Biden," Donald Trump Jr. said during his convention speech.

In a press release issued late last week, the Biden team cited articles arguing that China is warming to a Trump victory, including a July Bloomberg report stating that current and former Chinese officials say the Communist Party leadership wants to see Trump reelected, "Fearing that Biden would be able to unify Eastern allies to resist China's influence."

The Biden campaign also argued that Trump struck a weak trade deal with China that it's not living up to, along with claims from former Trump's adviser John Bolton's book that the president "Begged" Chinese leader Xi Jinping to help him win and that Trump encouraged him to force millions of Uyghurs into concentration camps.

Price also assailed what he called Ratcliffe's "Scant" intelligence experience - the three-term congressman from Texas had served on the House Intelligence Committee for only six months before Trump nominated him to head the ODNI last summer. 

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