Sunday, September 27, 2020

Democrats Are Truly Sick People

The idea of a Joe Biden presidency is a scary proposition.

Joe's been the ultimate weathervane - a bandwagon jumper of the highest order.

If your idiot, drug-addled son starts making more money per month than many small towns generate after he's tossed out of the military for cocaine use, I'd hope you'd have some questions.

There's a big difference between what's legal and what's right.

Joe wraps himself in what's legal because he's been part of the establishment writing those laws for half a century, but that doesn't make it right.

Aside from being a lifeguard who enjoyed having little black kids pet his leg hair, Joe Biden has done nothing but politics his entire adult life.

BLM-ANTIFA leaders coordinate prepackaged riots over every manufactured fraud they can while media outlets give voice to every bit of racist vitriol they can find. 

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