Sunday, September 27, 2020

Woke Science Is an Experiment Certain to Fail

The National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have all embraced the idea that science is pervaded by systemic bias that handicaps minorities and women.

The federal science agencies have absorbed the vocabulary of academic victimology-from "Intersectionality" to "Heteronormativity" and "Stereotype threat." Intersectionality holds that people who can check off more than one victimhood box are particularly burdened by American bigotry.

Science labs angling for the latest NIH diversity supplements will increase their chances of federal funding by hiring a woman who is also an underrepresented minority, disabled or from a "Disadvantaged background."

The National Science Foundation is currently doling out $29 million through its "Advance" program.

The real reason that science labs aren't proportionally diverse isn't bias.

Mr. Trump should order that federal science initiatives return to a color- and sex-blind basis.

Advancing knowledge, not the pursuit of diversity, should be the goal of federal science funding. 

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