Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Democrats Ended Up Attacking Their Own Principles in the Rush to Attack Amy Coney Barrett

Even before the official announcement at the White House on Saturday afternoon that Amy Coney Barrett would be tabbed as President Trump's selection to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg on the Supreme Court we knew the hits on the judge would be coming.

Beginning on Friday night some Democrat operatives began forwarding the narrative that there was something unacceptable, and possibly racist, behind the fact that Coney Barrett had adopted two children from Haiti.

Another attack introduced towards Barrett is her faith, specifically her Catholicism.

If ACB's faith is brought up then it will be reflected back directly onto Biden, himself a Catholic and something he has had to massage during the campaign.

If ACB becomes targeted over her Catholicism then Biden will need to answer for it as well, and if he is permitted to contort to say the political agenda is more important than adhering to the principles of the church then he loses that issue with devout voters.

Her having a supportive husband is completely removed from the equation, all the while Jill Biden has become something of a centerpiece of the Biden campaign, even serving as his replacement at times as he has been frequently placed under a ''lid.

This new stance by the left is made more humorous with the desperate attempt many have made over the weekend to stipulate that the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett was ushering in the age of ''The Handmaid's Tale.'' The amusement is that the very people leveling the charge were in truth the ones resorting to ''Handmaid's''-level repressive tactics.


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