Monday, September 28, 2020

The Left Hates Amy Coney Barrett Because She Disproves All Their Lies About Women

Fertile women who are serious about prayer get derided as brainless sex slaves, with the "Handmaid's Tale" imagery that gets deployed against any skepticism of abortion.

Her very existence repudiates the left's binary thinking about womanhood, that women have to deny what makes women different from men to achieve professionally.

Women Need Abortion to Succeed Two of Barrett's seven children are adopted.

Her obvious fecundity has not prevented her world-class career, which is better than the careers of most men and women in the world.

Women Don't Need Men Marriage is the epitome of the cooperation of the sexes, yet the left treats it as unnecessary at best and harmful at worst.

Christianity Oppresses Women The left constantly charges Christianity with being anti-woman.

Women are a majority of adherents to the faith, which implies either the left doesn't know what it's talking about or millions of women are brainwashed.

The latter would suggest women as a group are passive and ignorant, which is also at odds with the left's claims that women are independent, competitive "Bosses." While I can't square that circle, it is clear that Barrett's life also repudiates this smear.

Conservatives Hate Women A corollary to the "Christians hate women" charge is that the right hates women because we don't support mutilating their bodies with abortion and abortifacient contraception.

Women Are Oppressed At the core of the left's insane views of what it means to be a woman is the oppression narrative.

That's why even as women surpass men on every measure, the left has pushed even harder to get us to believe that things are actually getting worse for women. 

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