Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Dem Sen. Schumer Blocks Bipartisan Election Security Hearing Because of SCOTUS

Democrats have spent the entirety of President Donald Trump's term in office claiming that he and other Republicans conspired with Mother Russia to rig the election.

The New York Democrat shelved his concerns in a tantrum last week when he blocked a motion with regard to election security - all because Trump and Republicans intend to do their jobs and fill the Supreme Court seat vacated by the late Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Evanina is leading election security efforts on behalf of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe.

Earlier in the day, Senate Republicans enraged Schumer and Democrats over the decision to move forward with President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

98%. 2%. Later, on the issue of unanimous consent to meet with Evanina regarding an election security update, Schumer made it clear that Democrats would not participate.

"The Senate Intelligence Committee was scheduled to have a briefing today with Director Evanina, who leads our nation's election security efforts. However, Senator Schumer had a temper tantrum over the Supreme Court and used a procedural move to cancel the Committee's briefing."

Democrats such as Schumer have made foreign election interference their chief issue in the past.


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