Sunday, September 20, 2020

Democrats Have No One But Themselves, And Her, To Blame for The Ginsburg Vacancy

The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has given the election even more urgency than it had before.

Democrats have made no mystery of their plans should they ever obtain power again, and it's not good for fans of individual liberty, personal responsibility, or just being left the hell alone by the government.

Still in shock, Democrats are scrambling to find a way to block any nomination.

Ginsburg believed her own press, and the left built a cult around her.

While the worst thing leftists have going for them is their totalitarian instincts boiling to the top for everyone to see, the best thing they have going for them is spineless Republicans who campaign as conservatives and govern like Democrats.

Ultimately, Democrats created this situation for themselves, they deserve a big dose of their own medicine.

Democrats were already talking about getting rid of the filibuster to ram through their bills, packing the courts to ensure whatever they pass is ruled legal, and creating new states to solidify power in the Senate, why the hell shouldn't we take them at their word? When someone tells you who they are, believe them. 

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