Saturday, September 26, 2020

Biden's Authoritarian America

Under a Biden administration, we will see a colossal escalation in the scope and power of government, projected by authoritarian policies, many of which were put in place under President Obama.

The apparently affable Biden is a Progressive who believes that the primary purpose of government is to engineer social and economic structures in order to create a "Just society." Progressives have no limiting principles to restrain government growth because they are convinced that government is a benign agent of the people - a supremely naïve belief according to the American Founders.

The prospect of an authoritarian government under Biden is not a nebulous accusation, but a concrete extrapolation based on his record and his current positions and policies.

These unjust regulations were rectified under the Trump administration to the accolades of civil rights organizations like FIRE. But Biden intends to reinstitute Obama's sham system, which has more in common with the show trials of authoritarian regimes than with American justice.

Whereas the Founders sought to divide sovereignty between state and federal governments, Progressives like Biden aspire to create a top-down system of control in order to implement their economic and social vision, effectively quashing the power of the states.

Biden intends to reinstate Obama's authoritarian regulations.

Though Joe Biden presents himself as a moderate, his authoritarian policies betray a more radical, Progressive philosophy that is gradually undermining and replacing America's social, political, and economic fabric. 

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